COVID-19 Big Hearts Policy Update Calling All Climate Champions To Apply
Our values

Idvika Foundation believes in “Service Beyond Self”. Team at Idvika takes up social issues responsibly and serves the community. Responsiveness and responsibility lie in the core of working procedure of Idvika Foundation.

Idvika respects fundamental human rights which includes freedom of thought, practice of particular religion, family integrity, education, clean and pure water.

Idvika maintains a vision to strengthen humanity by strengthening people in every sphere of human growth and human life.

Idvika show willingness to collaborate and cooperate with other NGO to foster positive changes.

Idvika works beyond borders to achieve its organizational goals in particular and societal vision in general.

Idvika adheres to its principles and makes sure that the funding Idvika receives is strictly used for society and for the people.

Idvika is extremely responsible and caring towards the environment in all its activities.

Idvika is transparent in its approach and truthful  in its dealing with donors, projects beneficiaries, staff members partner organizations, government and the general public.